The piece I couldn’t work out how to do well was the exclusion of any linked files outside of the project root. For now, that’s just as a series of manual conditions on the ‘LocalProjectFiles’ item group declaration. Note: If you want to add a manual entry to the ignore file, you should include a ‘#’ at the back to make the build target automatically keep it. targets file that can then just be dumped into a my “tools” solution folder and then included in the proj file: Exclude =" /> Exists(%(Identity))' = 'True'" > Contains('#'))'='True'" /> /> It is also important to collaborate effectively with team members and to regularly merge changes to the main codebase to avoid conflicts. It’ll do this after every build or rebuild. generation process triggered by saving feature files in Visual Studio. gitignore file based so that only the files included in my Visual Studio project are included in GIT. You can configure several common Git settings, as described in the following sections of this article. Choose Git Global Settings or Git Repository Settings to view and configure global-level or repository-level settings. Well, I bet there’s a better way, but in the meantime, I’ve created a little MSBUILD task to generate a. To configure Git settings in Visual Studio, choose Settings from the top-level Git menu.

Let’s say that you have a specific project that has a tonne of extra files that are automatically copied into it due to front end build tasks or similar. However, you don’t want any of these copied files to make their way into the GIT repo nor do you want to create a blanket git ignore rule on the entire folder, because then other developers may forget to manually override them if they add new files to the project itself.